Utilising state of the art equipment we collect 3D coordinated data that we use to create 2D or 3D graphical representations of structures and buildings usually taking the form of floor plans, building elevations and cross sections.

A measured building survey collects accurate dimensions of a building which may be presented in any format from a simple floor plan to a 3D model depending on your requirements.
Floor Plans – a horizontal slice through a building showing the room arrangement at any particular level
Elevations – a 2D representation of one building face viewed from the side, usually external but can be combined with sections to give internal elevations
Sections – a 2D slice through a building showing the relationship between the different levels of the building
The level of detail shown depends on your requirements and the end use of the plans. For example the level of detail shown on a fire plan layout will be different from that required for a refurbishment project. If you are unsure please either download our standard specification or contact us to discuss your requirements. Regardless of the amount of detail the plans will be an accurate record of the features shown.
The End Product
The equipment used will always meet the accuracy requirements of the project. For straightforward projects we use a total station with reflectorless measurement to establish building framework and levels. We infill detail using a hand-held laser measure (Leica Disto). Where a higher level of detail is required we can also use our 3D scanners to capture a vast amount of information about the building both internally and externally. This can be converted into 2D or 3D drawings in AutoCAD or Revit or supplied as a point cloud in any commonly used format.
All data is stored indefinitely and will be available to the client for download from our FTP site at any future date.